Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall Preview! Jumping the gun with cooler weather!

Black Booties- Deconti from Aldo
$90 Size 39

Day 1 of wearing them I get locked INSIDE an apartment with a client. How a locked failed I have no clue but what I do know is that I felt braver, tougher, and far more bad-ass climbing out the back window and scaling down the fire escape in these heels. My client in her suit changed into tennis shoes that happened to be hidden away in her purse but in these puppies you never have to bring a more comfortable backup.

"Never before have your feet looked so small" my sister Virginia says after seeing my new booties for the first time. I agree, they do look abnormally small largely because of the giant cuff that folds from 3 inches above the ankle to almost skimming the ground covering all but a peep of the round toe and a flash of the heel.

Your foot will sit snug low in the shoe. The toes are not crowded. It may be the only boot I have ever felt comfortable wearing an anklet sock with. The perfect way to welcome Fall, to look hot effortlessly, or to accomplish the acts of a super hero!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah... these are some hot boots because of that large cuff. No doubt about it. Little feet are sexy...
